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Red, White, and Blues SOLD OUT

Our free Red, White, and Blues concert on July 3rd featuring the Georgia Big Band is sold out! To be added to the event waitlist or to return your tickets that you no longer intend to use, please visit: Protect yourself from online scams! As a reminder, all tickets are free and have no cash value or resale value. If you see someone trying to sell their tickets, please report their account as spam.

Food Truck Friday is Back On July 15

Calling all foodies! Grab your calendars and save the date for Food Truck Friday | Rock The Ribbon Night on Friday, July 15! All ribbons are special, let’s reflect and pause! Wear the color or ribbon that reflects your special cause! Invite your friends and family to join us in Historic Downtown Perry as we celebrate Rock The Ribbon Night, featuring more than 20 food and beverage vendors, live entertainment from Cash’s Juke Joint, and free family activities including Bubbles...

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